First you need to make cup of coffee :) and find you mojo :)
... her it´s my made pattern.. it took some time to come up with idea ;) but I really really wont´d to make one from the paper, because would be easy on the fabric :D
Ok :) lets go!!!
I cut all the details out .
Glue the small details on the lager paper .
Let´s check your sewing capability´s ;)
You can do it ! ;)
Here´s how it looks mine :) quite good, only one mistake :D
Let´s cut out. I´ll look like this.
Now it´s time to glue all parts together and here we add some embellishment ;)
This is how it looks after putting together.
Time to fastener the buttons.
It´s the fun part to ;)
Great, here it comes whole picture.
Jacket is completed !!! :D
I think he looks handsome, elegant and stylish :)
Don´t you ?
Thank you very much for having interesting in my works.
And thanks to Maria for making me to do this :) now I hope to see your version :D you promise , don´t you ? :D :D
only way of finding the limits of the possible is by
going beyond them into the impossible."
Arthur C. Clarke